Who feels like they are in the same position today that they were one year ago? 

Who is afraid to admit they are in the same place they were a year ago?

Most of us have a tendency to find our comfort zone and stay there. It’s called the comfort zone for a reason. It’s a place where we insulate ourselves from the things that challenge us and scare us. We let ourselves be trapped by fear. 

But, Growth happens outside the comfort zone. 

Stepping beyond familiar routines and practices opens doors to significant achievements. It’s in these uncomfortable moments that learning and growth truly occur. Pushing past the boundaries of what is known and comfortable fosters resilience and adaptability. 

Embracing this mindset not only propels your business forward but also equips you to navigate and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. The path to success often winds through uncharted territories, and it’s by venturing into these areas that you and your business can achieve remarkable growth.

What can you do to break your own patterns and push your boundaries?

One powerful strategy for driving your business forward is to create a Virtual Board composed of trusted colleagues and friends. Your board can offer diverse perspectives and valuable insights that can challenge your thinking and push you beyond your comfort zone. By surrounding yourself with individuals who are not afraid to ask tough questions and provide constructive feedback, you foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. This dynamic group can help you identify blind spots, explore new opportunities, and help make more informed decisions. Ultimately, a virtual board not only supports your growth as a leader but also ensures that your business remains agile, competitive, and poised for long-term success.

Another big one is to find an accountability partner to help keep yourself focused on your priorities. By having someone to provide regular check-ins, encouragement, and constructive feedback, you will drive yourself harder to stay on point and prioritize the right things. You will find that you achieve more of your goals when you know someone is watching.

Starting today, what can you do to accelerate your success? 

  1. Reflect on where you were, where you are, and where you want to be.
  2. Identify what is holding you back and make a plan to crush those obstacles.
  3. Surround yourself with trusted people that can be your board and accountability partner.
  4. Invest time in learning.
  5. Set a cadence to repeat this process, whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  6. And give fear a solid throat punch.

By being in this room, you’ve already demonstrated you are passionate, driven, and want to succeed. You are a vital part to our local economic community, and we are all vested in each other’s success. While running a business has its challenges, remember the fact that if your job was easy, everyone would be doing it. 

I know for some people, sitting in silent despair is more comfortable than reaching out to get help. There is a lot of knowledge and experience in this room, and what’s better, you have friends and colleagues here that are willing to help. I ask that wherever you are on this spectrum from being frozen by fear to crushing it with confidence, check in with each other and either find help or find a way to help. 

And remember: Be Encouraged!